Our background

Council For Human Development, Kern Frost

Our Background

With over fifteen years of individual and group research to find the best in people and how to release it, our programs are drawn from the work of the world’s greatest minds… from Socrates to Freud, Jung to Haanel, Hill to Maslow, combined with our own proprietary research, and as such we lead the way in developing Neuroplastic Mental Acceleration.

We are dedicated to providing ways to help leaders and workers alike, to navigate the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution: AI will progressively replace jobs, and this means redistributing talent and recognising new ways of developing human potential to work in partnership with AI. 

Our focus is to develop sustainable work in the new industry of NMA that is essential to help the transition for all into the digital age. This meant constructing the Human Blockchain, a fully decentralised autonomous blockchain platform, that allows private and institutional investment into human potential on a global basis. As such we are the world leaders in creating systems, methadologies and technologies to release an advanced human potential.


What else

Founder of the Council For Human Development Swiss Association, the Consciousnesscoin and Co-Create A Better World as well as the Kern Clinic in Zurich.

A place for visionary minds who are the architects of the future – to grow, to collaborate and to co-create.

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